
Crocus City Hall attack

Kyrgyz Government Again Warns Citizens Against Travel to Russia

Kyrgyz Government Again Warns Citizens Against Travel to Russia

By Catherine Putz
Amid increased migration regulations and enforcement, the Kyrgyz government urged citizens to “temporarily refrain” from traveling to Russia unless they have “compelling reasons” to do so.

Tajikistan Advises Citizens Against Travel to Russia

Tajikistan Advises Citizens Against Travel to Russia

By Catherine Putz
More than a month after xenophobic abuse directed toward Tajiks spiked in the wake of the Crocus City Hall attack, Dushanbe issued a “temporary” recommendation against travel to Russia.
Islamic State Khorasan’s Westward Network Expansion Into Iran, Turkey, and Europe

Islamic State Khorasan’s Westward Network Expansion Into Iran, Turkey, and Europe

By Peter Smith , Levent Kemal, and Lucas Webber
ISKP’s retooling from regional operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan to a focus on external attacks and operational plots has resulted in a surge of both foiled plots and successful attacks.

Before and After the Crocus City Hall Attack: Tajik Migrants in Russia

Before and After the Crocus City Hall Attack: Tajik Migrants in Russia

By Catherine Putz
An interview with Malika Bahovadinova on the complexities of the Tajik migration experience in Russia.

What Repercussions Are Tajiks Facing After the Moscow Terror Attack?

What Repercussions Are Tajiks Facing After the Moscow Terror Attack?

By Alex Little
While Tajiks in Russia have and will likely continue to face mistreatment and repression, this is not their first time weathering such a storm. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Turkey Ends Visa-Free Access for Tajik Citizens

Turkey Ends Visa-Free Access for Tajik Citizens

By Catherine Putz
In the aftermath of the Crocus City Hall attack, Tajiks find their world shrinking further.

Islamic State Escalates Anti-Russian Militant Campaign

Islamic State Escalates Anti-Russian Militant Campaign

By Peter Smith, Lucas Webber, and Colin P. Clarke
The Islamic State organization and its violent progeny, ISKP, have viewed Moscow as their enemy since the group’s inception. 
Why Did the Islamic State Target Russia?

Why Did the Islamic State Target Russia?

Lucas Webber, the co-founder and editor of militantwire.com, discusses the horrific attack in Russia, and the links to Islamic State’s Afghan branch, also known as ISKP.

Kyrgyzstan Warns Citizens Against Travel to Russia

Kyrgyzstan Warns Citizens Against Travel to Russia

By Catherine Putz
In the wake of the horrific Crocus City Hall attack, allegedly perpetrated by Tajik nationals, Bishkek has issued a recommendation that its citizens avoid unnecessary travel to Russia.

Crocus City Hall Attack: Deciphering Central Asian Jihadism and Russian Counterterrorism

Crocus City Hall Attack: Deciphering Central Asian Jihadism and Russian Counterterrorism

By Uran Botobekov
The Kremlin has made a concerted effort to implicate Ukraine, despite the absence of evidence linking Kyiv to the attack. Meanwhile, ISKP poses a clear threat to Russia.

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