
Senkaku/Diaoyu Dispute

Chinese Aircraft Carrier Comes Closer Than Ever to Japan

Chinese Aircraft Carrier Comes Closer Than Ever to Japan

By Mari Yamaguchi
Japan called the close approach of the Liaoning and its accompanying destroyers “absolutely unacceptable.”

How Will the Lai Government Handle Taiwan’s Maritime Disputes?

How Will the Lai Government Handle Taiwan’s Maritime Disputes?

By Brandon Tran
Like Beijing, Taipei officially maintains claims over islands in the East and South China Seas disputed with Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
China’s Navy Patrols Near Japan and Taiwan

China’s Navy Patrols Near Japan and Taiwan

By Andrew Orchard
It’s not just the Taiwan Strait; the Eastern Theater Navy has been increasingly active in the East China Sea as well.

China Sets Record for Activity Near Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in 2023

China Sets Record for Activity Near Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in 2023

By Takahashi Kosuke
China has quietly increased its presence in the East China Sea, challenging Japan's control of the disputed islands.

Weathering The Storm: China’s Latest Maritime Challenge Against Japan

Weathering The Storm: China’s Latest Maritime Challenge Against Japan

By Andrew Orchard
An overview of China’s recent deployment of an oceanographic/weather buoy inside the Japanese exclusive economic zone and Japan’s response.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Japan’s Legal Response in the Gray Zone

Japan’s Legal Response in the Gray Zone

By James Kraska
China’s gray zone tactics around the Senkaku Islands are even more dangerous than similar moves in the South China Sea. How is Japan responding?  

Japan to Set Up New Police Unit for the Senkakus

Japan to Set Up New Police Unit for the Senkakus

By Ankit Panda
The new unit will be tasked with preventing illegal landings on the disputed islands.
Japan Slams China for Unauthorized Research Around Okinotori Island

Japan Slams China for Unauthorized Research Around Okinotori Island

By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s exclusive economic zone around the remote island is being challenged by China again.

China-Japan Reset Continues With High-Level Economic Talks

China-Japan Reset Continues With High-Level Economic Talks

By Daniel Hurst
The two sides hope finding common ground on economic issues can help continue a thaw in relations.

Iranian Oil Tanker Disaster Highlights Northeast Asia's Faultlines

Iranian Oil Tanker Disaster Highlights Northeast Asia's Faultlines

By Tom Corben
Without substantial revisions to multilateral regimes, the Sanchi environmental crisis will not be the last of its kind.

Japan, China, and the Strains of Historical Memory

Japan, China, and the Strains of Historical Memory

By Joe Renouard
80 years after the Nanjing Massacre, historical issues continue to haunt China-Japan relations.
Japanese Defense Ministry: 'Unusual' Chinese Military Air Activities Increase Near Japan's Airspace

Japanese Defense Ministry: 'Unusual' Chinese Military Air Activities Increase Near Japan's Airspace

By Ankit Panda
Total Air Self-Defense Force scrambles dropped slightly from 2016, but Japan remains concerned.

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